Deskripsi : Trik ini digunakan untuk mengocok kartu tanpa merubah kartu posisi kartu paling atas.
Prosedur :
1. Bagi tumpukan kartu menjadi 2, di tangan kanan dan tangan kiri
2. Dengan ibu jari anda, jatuhkan kartu secara bergantian, satu kartu dari tangan kanan, dan satu kartu dari tangan kiri. Pastikan kartu paling atas tetap ada di posisi teratas dengan menjatuhkan kartu tersebut di urutan terakhir.
3. Dengan kedua sisi kartu masih agak menjorok ke luar, tekuk kartu ke arah atas. Pegang sisi bawah kartu selama beberapa saat, lepaskan, dan kartu akan jatuh ke bawah dengan efek yang menarik.
6 komentar:
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Dogs were an important part of life for the Athabascan population in North America, and were their only domesticated animal. Dogs also carried much of the load in the migration of the Apache and Navajo tribes 1,400 years ago. Use of dogs as pack animals in these cultures often persisted after the introduction of the horse to North America.
A common shuffling technique is called the riffle or dovetail shuffle, in which half of the deck is held in each hand with the thumbs inward, then cards are released by the thumbs so that they fall to the table interleaved. Many also lift the cards up after a riffle, forming what is called a bridge which puts the cards back into place.
Shuffling is a procedure used to randomize a deck of playing cards to provide an element of chance in card games. Shuffling is often followed by a cut, to help ensure that the shuffler has not manipulated the outcome.
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:f :D :x B-) b-( :@ x( :? ;;) :-B :| :)) :(( =(( :s :-j :-p
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