This is a really useful card sleight which will enhance all your magic trick routines.Vanish a card in thin air, Learn this exciting card sleight here.
Effect: A playing card is held in the magician's hand .in clear view of the audience. Suddenly and unexplained, the card vanishes into thin air and the magician's open hand can be seen to be completely empty. Then, just as suddenly as the playing card was vanished, it is plucked out of thin air again and is clearly shown to be in the magician's hand.
Method: This card trick is shown and the magic secret explained in the video shown on this page. Don't forget to practice this sleight until you can perform it competently. It takes a lot of practice but the result is well worth it and it can be incorporated into many card trick routines.
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:f :D :x B-) b-( :@ x( :? ;;) :-B :| :)) :(( =(( :s :-j :-p
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